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FamiCord member company  won the second edition of the strategic "Prevention and treatment of diseases of civilization" - STRATEGMED

Consortium Circulate which includes Polski Bank Komórek Macierzystych (Polish Stem Cell Bank), Jagiellonian University, and many other renowned research centers won the second edition of the program organized by the National Centre for Research and Development.

Strategmed is a programme implemented by the National Centre for Research and Development at the Ministry Farm. Its main task is to stimulate the growth of innovation and competitiveness of the Polish economy. The program was addressed to Polish research consortia bringing together public research bodies and business partners. Consortia can propose their projects to combat lifestyle diseases and regenerative medicine in 4 areas:

  • cardiology and cardiac surgery
  • oncology
  • neurology and senses
  • regenerative medicine

The winning consortium  assumes the use of mesenchymal stem cells derived from the umbilical cord for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. The project was highly evaluated and recommended for funding from the National Centre for Research and Development.